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CRUN – Causeway Rural & Urban Network


This 3-storey office block was designed in response to the needs of a community charity and was developed on an uncontaminated, brown-field site at a level area on raised ground in Coleraine. The hub has a floor area of approximately 9000 square feet and comprises offices, meeting rooms, kitchen, toilets, etc.

An existing building was demolished and the adjacent properties on three sides of the corner site were shored up to prevent damage during construction. Close monitoring of vibrations and meticulous checking of neighbouring walls allowed construction to proceed without damage. Drainage was integrated with the existing local system and a piling solution allowed foundations to be placed between the various existing subterranean services.

A steel frame and pre-cast concrete floors are footed on traditional strip and pad foundations, that were ‘balanced’ between the existing building footprints on the corner site location. The roof structure is a mixture of steel framed ‘cut roof’ and wooden trusses, which allows a wide and partially vaulted area at second floor for the proposed offices. Original slates were re-used.

Hoarding isolated members of the public from the works. Roads and paths were maintained and the glass frontage of the building’s ground-floor retail unit was finished to complement the streetscape.

(Photographs courtesy of CRUN and P&K McKaigue Ltd.)

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Taylor & Boyd LLP is a registered partnership in Northern Ireland.
Registration number NILLP25.
Registered address: 107 Malone Avenue | Belfast | BT9 6EQ
Taylor & Boyd LLP Belfast and Derry Offices are SGS Certified
Taylor & Boyd LLP acknowledges the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Human
Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland)
2015 (c.2(NI)) and is committed to the exclusion of all acts of modern day slavery and human
trafficking within its business and associated supply chains.

Designed and built by Pale Blue Dot Creative.