Institute of Lifelong Learning
This project involved the re-working and extension of six houses in a 3-storey Victorian terrace. Grade B2-listed and dating from 1866-78, they lie within the Queen’s Conservation Area.
Refurbishment included wall removals and openings to create office space. This involved assessing and strengthening or replacing the existing structure as required, including the ground floor, upper floor joists and parts of the roof. Some internal walls were found to be unstable and had to be rebuilt; others had to be carefully propped and monitored during the works.
Front elevations are in red brick with painted stucco bays at ground floor and window surrounds above. The Bangor-Blue slates were salvaged for reuse. Inappropriate window modifications were removed and reinstated to reflect original design. Missing front railings were replaced to match others in the area.
Existing 2-storey returns to the rear were demolished and replaced with extensions. Floors are suspended and supported on load-bearing masonry. Trussed rafters are used over two rear returns. These are braced and transfer loads to the external walls. The other return is a small sway frame supported off the first floor, designed to resist lateral forces.
The foundations are largely traditional strip footings on trench fill. The return to No. 12 is piled due to poor ground.
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