River Links
This was a community project aimed to improve the area aesthetically; bridge the distance between Tyrone and Donegal symbolically; and make practical improvements to local infrastructure. It was delivered in two programmes project-managed by Taylor & Boyd: Clady Village and Strabane Canal Renovation:
- Cleaning and structural repairs were provided to the historic stone of Clady Bridge, the road was resurfaced, and improvements were made in the village: new car park, public seating, landscaping, cleaning of river bed/banks, public lighting, signage, re-grading/landscaping road embankment;
- A 1.3km stretch of redundant canal was improved by upgrading the existing bridge over the River Glenmornan and providing a second bridge (fabricated off-site to minimise time/cost). A car park and passing places were developed on the access road. Footpaths were resurfaced along with the design/installation of elevated public walkways over wetlands, and provision of stock-proof fencing. Improvements were made to lock gates and Crampsie’s Lock and canal bed were dredged and restored. Bird hides were provided to overlook the Foyle estuary, and advice was taken with regard to measures that would nurture the welfare of local otters. A store with toilet facilities was created; rather than bringing water via costly piping over long distance, a borehole was sunk and a filter/pump fitted to raise water. Isolation from the public and restricted access during construction were carefully managed as the facility remained generally operational throughout.
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