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St Patrick’s, Aghyaran


Modifications to the church were subtle, but significant. The direction of the stairs was changed to open up the entrance and relieve the congestion that usually occurred when the congregation exited the nave and gallery.

The entrance was repositioned on the building’s main axis to create a welcoming external reception area – of particular benefit on occasions such as funerals and weddings. Repairs were carried out to the roof, walls and windows, together with improvements for compliance with current comfort, H&S and DDA requirements. (Photographs courtesy of Keys & Monaghan)

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Taylor & Boyd LLP is a registered partnership in Northern Ireland.
Registration number NILLP25.
Registered address: 107 Malone Avenue | Belfast | BT9 6EQ
Taylor & Boyd LLP Belfast and Derry Offices are SGS Certified
Taylor & Boyd LLP acknowledges the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Human
Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland)
2015 (c.2(NI)) and is committed to the exclusion of all acts of modern day slavery and human
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Designed and built by Pale Blue Dot Creative.