Upper Ardoyne Community Centre
Here Taylor & Boyd designed the civil and structural engineering for a purpose-built community centre and retail unit on a brown field site within a residential area. The centre provides facilities that include multi-use meeting rooms, offices and beauty treatment rooms. The development also includes car parking and an enclosed landscaped area to the rear of the complex.
The building is a two-storey steel-framed and masonry-clad, founded on reinforced concrete traditional pad and strip foundations, placed on trench fill taken to firm bearing level.
The ground floor was formed using suspended pre-cast floor units supported on masonry sub-walls. The first floor was formed using pre-cast floor units supported on the steel frame.
A lift serves the ground and first-floor levels. The masonry walls to the lift shaft are supported on a reinforced concrete lift pit.
The duo-pitch “butterfly” roof was formed using insulated cladding panels on galvanised metal purlins fixed to the steel frame.
The adjacent single-storey retail unit is a three-bay portal steel building with masonry cladding.
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